
“I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am

I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am, I'm unstoppable”

- Unstoppable by Sia

When I heard this song by Sia, I thought what a perfect song for ARMORE. Putting on your armor that makes you feel invincible and unstoppable - that’s what we want women to feel in our clothes. Your clothes are your battle suit. Feeling comfortable and knowing you look put-together helps you face the day ahead even if it’s a relatively chill day, but especially if it’s going to be a crazy day. And we know that there are crazy days and there are crazy days! Days when you have back-to-back-to back zoom meetings and errands and household matters to attend to, and finally family time - dinner, homework, tucking in the kids. Wait, that sounds like a typical day, especially working from home during the pandemic. And have you had one of those days where you had a little more crazy added into the mix. I did today when, to my horror, I opened my laptop and the screen was cracked. Gosh. Breaths. 

When you are giving your best, making a difference, and giving a lot of yourself, you need to put your armor on to be prepared. And I’m not just talking about the clothes we are going to wear. We also need to be prepared mentally to start the day right. So here’s a list of things you can add to your morning routine to set yourself up for a great day!  

🧘🏼‍♀️ Centering and meditation

Being mindful of the present and letting go of thoughts of what happened in the past or what will happen in the future is a great way to center yourself in the morning and start in a grounded state of balance. Take a few minutes to take a couple of deep breaths and just be mindful of your breath. If any thoughts enter your mind (as they will) return your focus on your breath.


🙏🏼 Prayer

Alignment with a higher power through prayer or reading the teachings of our faith reminds us to respond to our day and the people we will encounter according to the highest values of our spiritual practice. It allows us to count our blessings and open ourselves to receiving more and being a source of blessing to others.


✔️ Intention for the day 

Focus on up to three goals you want to accomplish for the day and why you want to accomplish these goals and how accomplishing these goals will make you feel. Think about how you will make others feel. Think about how you will show up today - will you be kind and patient? Will you be calm, cool, and collected? Will you be brave? If you have a mantra, repeat it several times.


🚶🏻‍♀️ Movement

Do yoga or stretch or go for a morning walk. Whatever it is, it’s great to get your blood pumping. You can also try the tapping technique or psychological acupressure to lower stress. 


🥁 Music

Do you have a favorite song that puts you in the right mood? I have a playlist of songs I sing out loud to (which includes Unstoppable). Do you have an anthem song that just makes you want to dance and cry and makes you feel that you can fly? Listen to that. On repeat.


🌷 Look at something beautiful that brings you joy

What puts a smile on your face - Fresh flowers? A painting? Watching your kids in wonder from afar? The sunrise? Whatever it is, spend some time enjoying the beauty and love surrounding you. 

These are just a few ideas for inspiration. You can pick one or two, or all, do them in combination, or do them separately, it’s up to you. The goal is to put yourself in a state of high vibration and to stay there. And you don’t have to do these things only in the morning, you can do them throughout the day. For the visual inspiration, you can create a mood board of the things that bring you joy and save it on your phone or laptop so that you can look at them whenever you want. 

What’s on your plate today? Whatever it is, you go girl. We know you got this. And at the end of the day when you finally put up your feet, reflect on your day, pat yourself on the back for a job well done, then let it go, recharge, and take some time to take care of yourself. We’ll talk a bit more about that in a later post. 

We'll see you again soon, amor. If you liked this post, share it with a friend and make sure to sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already done so. We’d love to have you in our community. 



📷: Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

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